Astaxanthin is a carotenoid naturally present in some algae and which gives their typical color to fish such as salmon and crustaceans such as lobster and shrimp. Astaxanthin is endowed with antioxidant power: it is therefore attributed the ability to protect cells from damage associated with oxidation. It is also believed to improve the functioning

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    Ascorbyl Palmitate is a form of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) esterified with palmitic acid, a completely saturated natural fatty acid with 16 carbon atoms. It comes in the form of a white-light yellow powder and represents a fat-soluble form of vitamin C. Given the greater affinity for lipids, Ascorbyl Palmitate rapidly penetrates through the skin

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    Anhydrous caffeine is a variant of the better known caffeine, the difference of which lies in the chemical composition. The absence of water in anhydrous caffeine modifies its absorption times, making it longer but at the same time more effective. It is a well-known functional for its action on the microcirculation and its ability to

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    Lipoic acid, also called thioctic acid or dithioctanoic acid, is of essential importance for the health of the human body cells. It is a growth factor for numerous microorganisms. There are several properties that are attributed to lipoic acid and that this substance is used as an ingredient in various supplements. The most important is

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    Adenosine is a nucleoside that plays an extremely important function in the constitution of DNA. Adenosine also plays a fundamental role in biochemical processes, such as in the transfer of energy (in the transition from ATP to ADP) and in signal transduction, through cAMP. Adenosine covers a wide range of biological activities in the human

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    Acetyl-l-carnitine is a substance chemically corresponding to the acetyl ester of carnitine, a substance naturally present in animal tissues whose best known function is to transport fatty acids within the mitochondria, where they are converted into energy. There are several properties that are ascribed to acetyl-l-carnitine, thanks to which this substance is currently marketed and

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  • EU Regulation n. 2021/468 of 18 March 2021

    From 08.04.2021, date of entry into force of EU regulation no. 2021/468, the various species of Aloe and related preparations containing hydroxyanthracene derivatives will no longer be sold in the food sector (with the exception of Aloe vera internal gel of the leaves declared with aloin <1 p.p.m.). Frangula, Rhubarb, Senna and their derivatives willRead more
  • In Silico Study of Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids as Potential SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Closed Conformation Stabilizers: Epidemiological and Computational Approaches

    Abstract: "SARS-CoV-2 infects host cells by interacting its spike protein with surface angiotensinconverting enzyme 2 (ACE2) receptors, expressed in lung and other cell types. Although several risk factors could explain why some countries have lower incidence and fatality rates than others, environmental factors such as diet should be considered. It has been described that countriesRead more


      Profile Latin name: Avena sativa CAS No .: 84012-26-0 Specifications: 4: 1 Part used: Aerial part Benefits Relaxation (in case of stress) Mental well-being. Regularity of intestinal transit. Emollient and soothing action (digestive system). Modulation / limitation of nutrient absorption. Antioxidant.

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      Profilo Latin name: Adhatoda vasica CAS No .: 90063-77-7 Active Ingredient: Alkaloids Specifications: 0.5% Part used: Leaves Description Adhatoda Vasica is used in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system, thanks to the presence within it of a substance known as vasicine, a substance capable of promoting bronchodilation, thus freeing the respiratory flow.

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