Profile Latin Naeme: Hamamelis Virginiana CAS No.: 84696-19-5 Active Ingredient: Tannins Specifications: 10% Test Method: UV Part used: Leaf Benefits Functionality of the venous circulation (functionality of the haemorrhoidal plexus). Regularity of intestinal transit. Antioxidant

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      Profile Latin Name: Capsicum Annuum CAS No.: 84603-55-4 Active ingredient: Specification: Raw Powder Test Method: Part used: Fruit Benefits Digestive function. Regulate gastrointestinal motility and gas elimination. Regular functionality of the cardiovascular system. Normal blood circulation. Stimulus of metabolism. Antioxidant

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      Profile Latin Name: Piper Nigrum CAS No.: 84929-41-9 Active Ingredient: Piperine Specification: 95% Test Method: HPLC Part used: Fruit Benefits Digestive function. Regularity of intestinal transit. Regulate gastrointestinal motility and gas elimination. Regular functionality of the cardiovascular system. Antioxidant.

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  • Information on current initiatives on food supplements containing Garcinia Cambogia on alert 2021.3300, as well as the previous 2020.1614

    Following the RASFF alert n.2021.3300 of 23.06.2021 which relates a serious adverse event of fulminant liver toxicity in a subject following the intake of a food supplement containing Garcinia Cambogia, the Ministry of Health requests to evaluate the suspension precautionary measures for the sale of products containing this botanical species. Below is the information:  Read more

    Zeaxanthin is a carotenoid pigment produced in algae and in some plants by hydroxylation of the beta-carotene present in the egg yolk. According to several studies, an optimal intake of zeaxanthin would contribute to good eye health. In particular, zeaxanthin would support the well-being of the retina and especially of the macula (the central area

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    Troxerutin is a flavonol, a particular type of bioflavonoid, which is extracted from Sophora Japonica, a plant of Asian origin also widespread in Europe, but is more commonly found in tea, coffee and cereals. Its properties related to vasoprotection and helping the body to prevent certain states of inflammation have been studied. (CAS No.: 7085-55-4)

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    Tocotrienols are constituents of the Vitamin E group. Isolated for the first time in 1964, in nature Tocotrienols have attracted the attention of many researchers around the world for their important therapeutic and preventive properties, being effective in controlling the levels of cholesterol and the inflammatory evolution of numerous inflammatory pathologies. Among the other benefits

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    Sucralose is a calorie-free artificial sweetener derived from sucrose. It is 650 times sweeter than sugar. Sucralose is used to sweeten food and drinks without adding calories. It is, for example, found in sugar substitutes, some fizzy drinks, chewing gum, breakfast cereals and seasoning sauces. (CAS No.:56038-13-2)

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    Succinic acid is a carboxylic acid naturally present in various fruits (particularly in unripe ones) and in various vegetables (such as lettuce); for industrial use it is synthesized starting from acetic acid. Succinic acid is an acidity regulator and also a flavoring. It can be present in sweets, bakery products, etc. From succinic acid derives

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    Sodium Hyaluronate is a sodium salt derived from Hyaluronic acid, which is a medium – high molecular weight polysaccharide. Sodium Hyaluronate is a highly hygroscopic hydrophilic molecule; this means that one molecule of sodium hyaluronate can hold up to 10,000 molecules of water. The different molecular weights intervene at a different level of the epidermis,

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