Standardized grape seed extracts can be an effective aid in facing damage caused by free radicals, such as cellular aging, cardiovascular disorders, or DNA damage. Due to their high antioxidant capacity, they counteract the damaging effects caused by excess free radicals produced physiologically by the body or by external sources such as UV rays orRead more
  • Grapexya: a grape seed extract with antioxidant, cardiovascular and antimicrobial benefits

    Grapexya: a grape seed extract with antioxidant, cardiovascular and antimicrobial benefits

    Health is a precious treasure, but it is often threatened by internal and external factors. Among internal factors, oxidative stress is one of the most important. Free radicals are unstable molecules that can damage cells, contributing to premature aging, disease outbreaks, and cell breakdown. Among external factors, air pollution and diet are other health riskRead more
  • Oryzox: a healthy heart and blood vessel ally

    Oryzox: a healthy heart and blood vessel ally

    Atherosclerosis is a chronic disease of the arteries that manifests as thickening and hardening of the vascular wall and is a primary cause of serious cardiovascular events. Prevention of atherosclerosis can be significantly influenced by successfully managing cholesterol levels, particularly by adopting a diet supplemented with nutraceuticals with vascular anti-inflammatory properties. In this context, substancesRead more
  • ORYZOX: Evaluation of anti-atherogenic activity in vitro

    ORYZOX: Evaluation of anti-atherogenic activity in vitro

    Introduction Atherosclerosis, a chronic disease of the arteries that manifests itself with thickening and hardening of the vascular wall, is a primary cause of serious cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack and peripheral vessel occlusion. The prevention of atherosclerosis can be significantly influenced by the management of cholesterol levels, particularly through the adoption ofRead more


    Gamma-oryzanol is a natural nutrient extracted and refined from rice bran oil. It is currently known as a mixture of ferulic acid esters of phytosterols and triterpenoids, specifically cycloartenyl ferulate, 24-methylcycloartanyl ferulate, and campesteryl ferulate, all of which represent 80% of gamma-oryzanol together. Experimental studies demonstrate that gamma-oryzanol can reduce cholesterol levels by regulating inflammationRead more
  • Joint pain? ASU-Greasine is the natural solution

    Joint pain? ASU-Greasine is the natural solution

    Osteoarthritis  is  a  degenerative  condition  that  affects  the  joints,  causing  pain,  inflammation  and  limitation  of  movement.  It  is  a  very  common  pathology,  which  affects approximately  10%  of  the  adult  population. Joint  pain  is  one  of  the  most  common  symptoms  of  osteoarthritis.  It  can  be  high  pitched  or  dull,  and  it  can be  worsened  by  exercise, 

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  • The importance of the active ingredients in ginseng-based supplements

    The importance of the active ingredients in ginseng-based supplements

    Ginseng is a plant known for its beneficial properties on human health. In recent years, ginseng-based supplements have become increasingly popular among fans of natural products. However, the quality of the active ingredients found in these supplements is crucial to reaping the maximum health benefits . In this article, we’ll explore the importance of quality

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  • Adenosine, we are your expert supplier

    Adenosine, we are your expert supplier

    Adenosine is a natural nucleoside, it is produced by our body and can also be obtained from food sources. What adenosine does One of the main roles of adenosine is to supply the nervous system with energy, as it is converted into ATP (adenosine triphosphate), which is the main means of transporting energy in the

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  • Certified Quality

    Certified Quality

    The company certification demonstrates our commitment to adhere to high quality standards and continuously improve business processes, thus increasing trust in the brand, in the quality of the products and services offered. All this has a positive impact on products made with our raw materials, which acquire value and visibility in an increasingly competitive market.

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  • COMMISSION IMPLEMENTING REGULATION (EU) 2021/2246 of December 15, 2021

    The COMMISSION IMPLEMENTING REGULATION (EU) 2021/2246 of December 15, 2021 establishes that all plant extracts (CN code 1302) from India, in order to be placed on the European market, must be accompanied by the Official Certificate issued by the competent authority of the exporting country which certifies the absence of Ethylene Oxide (EtO). This CertificateRead more
