- Latin name: Citrus Sinesis
- CAS No .: 6151-25-3
- Active Ingredient: Bioflavonoids
- Specifications: 98%
- Test Method: HPLC
- Plant of origin:
- Iberian Quercus, bark and leaves;
- Dysosma veitehii ( Vils.);
- Hypericum ascyron L., whole plant;
- Apocynum lancifolium Rus., Sheet.
Functions and applications: moderate expectorant and antitussive action; antiasthmatic effect; lowering of blood pressure, reducing the fragility of the capillary vessel, causing a lowering of blood lipids, dilation of the coronary artery and an increase in coronary flow. Used for the treatment of chronic bronchitis and as a coaching in the treatment of coronary heart disease and hypertension.